NoutațiAgenția Nucleară și pentru Deșeuri Radioactive elaborează Programul de cooperare tehnică pentru următorul ciclu TC IAEA 2022-2023

Agenția Nucleară și pentru Deșeuri Radioactive elaborează Programul de cooperare tehnică pentru următorul ciclu TC IAEA 2022-2023

Agenția Internațională pentru Energie Atomică ( AIEA) Viena a lansat invitația de participare a Statelor Membre AIEA la noul ciclu de cooperare tehnică pentru perioada 2022-2023.

Pe baza comunicării oficiale a AIEA cu privire la inițierea pregătirilor pentru programul TC 2022-2023, Agenția Nucleară și pentru Deseuri Radioactive (ANDR), a inițiat consultări cu instituțiile relevante care dezvoltă activități în domeniul nuclear național și a redactat draftul Programului de cooperare tehnică pentru următorul ciclu TC IAEA. În urma corespondenței purtate au fost făcute o serie de propuneri în domeniul agriculturii, sănătății, protecției radiologice, managementului deșeurilor radioactive, și altele.

Programul de cooperare tehnică este menit să dezvolte capacități umane și instituționale în statele membre pentru aplicarea  pașnică si in siguranta a științei și tehnologiei nucleare.

În acest fel, programul contribuie la abordarea principalelor priorități de dezvoltare durabilă a fiecărei țări, cu obiectivul de promovare din ce în ce mai mare a impactului socio-economic tangibil.

Proiectele din fiecare țară sunt dezvoltate printr-un proces consultativ care implică toate părțile interesate relevante, pentru a identifica priorități, probleme și lipsuri care trebuie abordate, împreună cu rezultatele așteptate realizate, ținând cont de resursele disponibile.

Mai jos se regasesc propunerile pentru noul ciclu de cooperare tehnica:


Regional Project proposed

2022- 2023

Field of activity Overall Objective Contact
Improving the safety and security in the management of radioactive waste generated by the accumulation of large quantities of disused consumer products


12.Radiation protection of workers and the public


Increasing Safety and Security in handling and storage of large quantities of consumer products collected to be treated collectively as radioactive waste.
Accelerating the translation of new radiopharmaceutical drugs into the clinical practice 18. Radioisotopes and radiation technology for industrial, health-care and environmental applications


To accelerate the process of licensing for GMP production and clinical trials of new radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and/or therapy in Eastern and Central Europe, through multi-stakeholder efforts while promoting its self-sustainability
Support for the development of a East European regional knowledge-sharing centre at IFIN-HH, Romania, to facilitate the take-up of the output of the  ionising radiation metrology services by stakeholders  

33 Nuclear Instrumentation






To develop an East European regional knowledge-sharing centre to facilitate the take-up of the output of the ionising radiation metrology services by stakeholders, in order to increase the Quality and the Safety in the applications of the ionising radiation.


Besides providing metrological support in developing reliable QA procedures and protocols associated to the applications of ionising radiation, the project will also support the national implementation of Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom laying down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation.
Strengthening national authorities’ capacity for environmental protection, in trans-frontier context, in the case of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency


16 Emergency preparedness and response The project intends to develop an array of monitoring stations distributed among frontiers, that will measure environmental parameters (such as wind speed and direction, as well as PMx) and radioactivity level. All the data collected by his monitoring stations will be available for national authorities for environmental protection, on both sides of the border, using distributed databases and a commercial communication solution, agreed by all authorities. Software will be developed to provide data fusion and analysis of radioactive spread or magnitude, to enhance situational awareness and decision support in case of nuclear accident or radiological emergency.
Strengthening regional capacities of improving the methodology for identifying gamma-ray emitting radionuclides by increasing sampling capacity



FoA 09, Governmental and regulatory infrastructure for radiation safety Develop harmonized regional technical capabilities to assess the impact and origin of radioactive contaminants in the air.

Member States have an interest in using methodologies that reflect the true state of the environment in terms of environmental radioactivity, which is why they have sought to implement programs to improve the monitoring of environmental radioactivity, but limited financial resources have led to the limitation of this important action.

Therefore, this project can promote the implementation of an effective monitoring program in all Member States.
Enhancing the capability of the management of medical radioactive waste


19. Radioactive waste management, decommissioning and remediation of contaminated sites


The main objective of this project is to enhance the capacity of Romanian authorities for managing medical radioactive waste that may arise in health care facilities, clinics, laboratories and other associated medical institutions.
Enhancing the capacity to control risks to the public due to radioactive waste management through communication and community engagement 19. Radioactive waste management, decommissioning and remediation of contaminated sites


Investigating the contingent configurations that emerge from the technical and the psychosocial aspects in radioactive waste management policy and practice, and
Enhancing the capabilities of national network of the Member States in control of monitoring radioactivity levels in drinking water and foodstuff




01 – Capacity building, human resource development and knowledge management Development of the training infrastructure to provide practical training on training for specialists (personnel from Radiation Hygiene Network in Romania), as well as providing expertise on the use of standardized measurement procedures, improving the comparability of measurement results related to radioactivity in drinking water and foodstuff.
Strengthening Regional Capabilities for National Competent Authorities / National Reference Laboratories in Epidemiological Surveillance of Transboundary and Emerging Animal and Zoonotic Diseases


22 – Livestock production Strengthening Regional Capabilities for National Competent Authorities / National Reference Laboratories in Epidemiological Surveillance of Transboundary and Emerging Animal and Zoonotic Diseases
Nuclear and classical techniques for support sustainable agriculture under climate change FoA 21 – Agricultural water and soil management


Improving and strengthening the regional capacity in diagnosing the real situation, optimizing procedures, using nuclear and classical techniques in agriculture
Recurrent gamma ray irradiation in soybean for increasing the genetic variability for useful exploitation in breeding


20 Crop production Creating new soybean varieties

Genetic diversification of soybean material
Identification of sources of nitrate pollution in surface and groundwaters in Romania using stable isotope techniques


15 Water resources management The aim of this proposal is to improve Romania’s capacity to identify sources of nitrate pollution in surface and groundwater and thus take science-based steps towards improving the quality of drinking water.