Mission and Functions
Providing specialized technical assistance to the Government in the process of developing and adopting policies to promote, develop and monitor the power and non-power applications of nuclear energy in exclusive peaceful purposes, safe disposal of radioactive waste and to coordinate, at national level, the process of radioactive waste management and the decommissioning of nuclear installations.
- strategy, which ensures the development and updating of the National Strategy for the Development of the Nuclear Field and of the National Nuclear Programme (NNP)
- monitoring, which ensures the monitoring of the progress of nuclear activities in NNP, in accordance with the NSDNF objectives
- promotion, which ensures the promotion and support, at national and international level, of Romanian interests in nuclear field
- coordination, which ensures the coordination at national level of actions regarding the promotion, development and monitoring of nuclear activities in Romania, as well as the activities on safe management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste
- disposal, which ensures the safe disposal of radioactive waste arising from the nuclear fuel cycle and radioactive waste arising from the application of nuclear techniques and technologies in industry, medicine, agriculture and other socio-economic areas of interest, including those arising from decommissioning of nuclear and radiological facilities
- management, which ensures the administration of the financial resources for the safe management of radioactive waste and financial resources for decommissioning of nuclear and radiological facilities
- representation, which ensures, in its field of activity, the external and internal representation of the Romanian state.